Yucatán´s Flora

We love our honeys, and we think you will too. At Nikté Yucatán, our honeys have more than just nuanced flavour; they have a rich history—one we want to share with you. With origins in the roots of the sacred Chacá tree, our honeys carry with them an exquisite mix of tropical flavours and culture, allowing us to bring you some of the finest honey in the world. In these pages, we’ll take you through the origins of our honey, the Chacá tree, and how our honeys can bring you true health and joy, however you choose to consume them. Let’s get started!
Our honey isn’t mass-produced using stainless steel and faceless workers.
When you open a jar of Nikté Yucatán honey, you are opening a glass of
These honeys are produced by a small community of traditional Maya
beekeepers in the tropical dry forests of the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico.
The methods they use are the same ones that have been used by the
Mayas for thousands of years— techniques that create the purest honey
and the healthiest bees.
Each purchase of the special limited edition of 2021 protects the Maya dry
forests, both in habitat and its people’s traditional way of life.
We bring you these honeys in the spirit of the past, infusing them with the kind
of magic that comes from combining a rich and sparkling history with some
elements of a modern people.
Try our limited edition raw honeys to get a taste of ancient history that has carried on until today.

Each jar is different, every pot containing its own unique mix of local, tropical flora and the footprints of wild bees for a beautifully biodiverse harvesting and tasting experience. 
Over the next few pages, you’ll learn a little about the history of what makes our honeys special.
The secret ingredient in the exclusive honeys is the delicate flower from the
sacred Chacá tree, sometimes called Chaká, Chacah, or Palo mulato.
The Chacá tree is a native tree of tropical America that can measure up
to thirty metres in height. Its trunk is distinguished by its shape and texture,
its branches reaching out from a low height and twisting until they reach
the tree’s irregular and widely dispersed crown. Its copper bark
appears to perpetually be peeling off by fragments, giving passersby a
glimpse of its glossy, dark trunk underneath. It is found in the warmest
areas of Mexico, particularly in the southeast, and it has played a distinct role in
the local culture. Its distinguished status comes from its ability to
reproduce even in the most infertile lands and from its medicinal uses, as
the Chacá can be used to treat a range of inflammatory and
respiratory problems. Its resin, Copal, has been used by the Mayas for
centuries in therapeutic and medicinal practices, as well as rituals,
as it is a completely natural incense and can be used to purify the energy
of spaces, places, and objects. Copal is referenced in the Maya
book Popol Vuh, where it is believed that the sun, moon, and stars
themselves brought Copal to earth with them.
Traditionally, trees in the Buresa family have been used medicinally, combatting disease and repelling mosquitos and other biting insects.
Copal was also used as an incense, burned over embers and charcoal in a bowl. It has been used in aromatherapy, with its lean, light scent
that has been compared to that of pine.

Copal is often referred to as the sacred blood of the trees. Perhaps it is this—its legend as the source of the life in the woods—that has led to it being used as an aid in the lifeblood of people as well. It is often used in therapies to target the limbic system, the portion of our brains responsible for emotion. Well known for
its ability to elicit mentally uplifting and calming effects, Copal is rich in triterpenes that have been shown to significantly reduce anxiety.

It has also been recognized for its use as a powerful incense during meditation. It purportedly has the power to connect us with our meditative minds, improving our concentration and creativity. Legend has it that Copal unites the energizing forces of the sun with the grounding properties of earth, drawing out and transmuting negative energy on every level. Copal leaves a person’s energy
vibrant and clean, their creativity wild and uninhibited.

The Mayas believe its energetic properties to be so powerful that they often use it in ceremonies to call on the god Tlaloc, god of rains, and the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, goddess of lakes and streams, and give thanks for their blessings.

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